Life by the Numbers
The statistics you can find nowhere else:Classes attended today: 1
Episodes of Dawson's creek watched: 5
Cheesy Gordita Crunches consumed: 2
Rooms cleaned: 1
Papers finished: 0
Times groin was thrusted at roommates: 13
Beards shaved: 0
Articles of clothing currently worn: 0
Number of times personal worth was questioned: 1542
Ah, the thrill of college. I need to write papers before my teachers hunt me down and slay me with Swords of GPA (+ 2 against slackers). I continue to need to go grocery shopping and clean the dishes so as to have a place to cook the food I need to buy. On the plus side, my room is no longer a horrible hellhole of Inferno proportions.
Now, I must read literary theory and drink coffee. That always puts me in a good, scholarly mood. Cultural theory, here I come!
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