Monday, April 25, 2005


We have grave news to report. It would appear Zorbitron V did not take to kindly to our expose (see the post for Apr. 21), and has decided to retaliate toward our forward-thinking heroes. In a cruel twist of fate, ridiculous financial and administrative issues have kept Matt, Tim, and Fatz from reserving a room in ye olde Tropicana for next year--the protagonists of this particular epic seem to be out on their royal asses. The hunt for a house/apartment begins next weekend, and we will surely keep you informed.

However, the spirit of Tropicana will live on in our hearts and in our loins (whatever that means). Will the Tropicana Experience cease to be? By Jove, sir, I think not! Even the word Tropicana does not refer to a place, but to a state of mind. In its original, uh, Dutch*, Tropicana means "to have constructed a seafoam house of love in your hearts." And that we have already done, and that they cannot take away from us.


*This is not true.


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